Kay Kay and Sissy

Kay Kay and Sissy
Original by Omar Moreno

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bad Drivers

Hello all! Now that Christmas is over and the New Year is around the bend more and more people are slowly losing their minds. Take for instance, drivers. Now to start off I would have to say that this started out as my Husband's prejudice view towards women drivers, but now I am starting to see that more and more times we see a bad driver it's a woman. I have found myself getting cut off or see some crazy driver do something completely stupid, I speed up and see it is a woman and I am like "go figure another woman driver with her head in her butt." I don't know why but maybe 7 times out of 10 the woman is talking to her friend on the phone, talking to someone next to her, looking at her phone, I have even seen women putting on makeup. Come on ladies, we are not setting a good example for our daughters and nieces and grandchildren by driving like apes. I know that I have a tendency to drive this way myself at times and catch myself saying, "Hello, Staci, get it together and drive like a human being." Now I don't know if women take a different test for driving or what, but I think that we all need to focus more on the road, especially during the winter when ice and snow play a huge part in the hazards around us.  

I am curious as to what others think on this subject? I am not stating I have never ran into a bad man driver, however, I have ran into many more bad women drivers? Why is that?

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Adventures of Nutrisystem!

Hello All,
This is my official first blog! I thought what better way to start it out then to talk about what I have been working hard on for the past month, weight loss. I started Nutrisystem November 30th of this year and so far I have lost 9 lbs only to fall off the wagon and gain about 3lbs back. Weight loss during the Holidays is pure torture, especially for someone that loves food as much as I do. Today, month two of my plan arrived. I removed all the old food from my last order.  You see when you first sign up, if you sign up for auto-pay, they give you three weeks free, one week for the next three months. So the first time then sent my free food it was already picked out by Nutrisystem....Gross. I hated most of the meals for dinner. I ended up changing my whole order this time so I am excited. I tend to be a picky eater so for those of you who are looking to try Nutrisystem, don't let me discourage you. The food is great if you pick what you like. The desserts are amazing and the breakfast cereal rocks.

Now with it being the Holidays and such, I am working on only skipping my Nutrisystem on Christmas Day. Then New years eve I will eat my normal food however we are celebrating and since this is the first New Years I have celebrated with my Wonderful Husband of almost three years, I will most likely be celebrating with a little bit of alcohol. Ok so a lot of alcohol...sue me. Anyways, traveling through this Lifestyle change has been tough but I have seen the results and I plan to stick it out the rest of my life. You see, weight loss is not just a diet you get on to lose weight, it is an intense change in your lifestyle. You can NEVER go back to the way you were living before, that defeats the purpose of the change. By changing my food and workout plans, which went from no workouts to working out three to four time a week, I wil change my lifestyle, perminently. If you feel you are not ready to make that kind of commitment to yourself then I advise you not to waste your money on any diets out there.

I can walk you through a day of eating for me.  Morning consist of my Nutrisystem breakfast which is whatever I pick out, today was Sweety O's Cereal with 4 oz of milk. (yes I measure it out exactly to get my Calories correct) this also comes with a choice of one serving of a protein or a dairy. Today I chose Turkey Breast which I usually heat in the Microwave or over the stove. Then I get a serving of fruit, which is grapes this morning and that is my breakfast. Alot I know. (sarcastic rolling of the eyes). Lunch consists of your Nutrisystem lunch entree, one serving of dairy or protein, and two vegetables. One of these vegetables can be eaten with 2 tbsps of fat-free dressing.  Snack is one serving of Dairy or protein and one serving of a fruit. Dinner is your entree, either three vegetables or two vegatables and a fruit and one serving of a fat. This fat can include pistachios, or butter used to cook you vegetables. It's not much so I don't get too excited. My dessert consists of my Nutrisytem Dessert of my choice. That is a day of eating. It seems like not a lot but after a week, you notice that you get less Hungry. My theory, you have shrunk you stomach and it is now used to what you have been eating for the last week or so. When I went off of nutrisystem, pigging out not only felt guilty but discusting. I was sick for a while because my body was not used to all this nasty food. I pretty much say goodbye to McDonalds...I cannot stand it anymore.

Now this Christmas will be tricky but I intend to keep you updated on all my progress and much more. Thanks for listening!